Thursday, September 4, 2008


I can't believe the media, or actually I expected it in truth, being all worried about Gov. Palin's young children at home. Okay, I'm a SAHM so yes I feel it is good for mother's to stay home with their children. However, it is amazingly hypocritical coming from the left-wing media to suddenly change their stance on this. I love that I heard 2 liberal women who were soooo concerned about those young children. What happened to Women's Empowerment? I guarantee if this was said about a non-conservative woman these would be the first to scream sexism.

I can't help but like Sarah. When I saw her name scroll across the screen (I was at the gym) I literally started laughing. I can't believe Sen. McCain from the intolerant, sexist, racist, backward-thinking GOP had the audacity to pick a female running mate. And yes, that is sarcastic and yes I am a Republican. I haven't had a chance to listen in but how is Europe taking this? I mean Sen. Obama didn't pick Hillary but McCain picked a woman.

Okay, off my high-horse. The children are calling (read screaming repeatedly) for me to come down. I can't believe I wrote I political blog but then no one is reading it so I guess it's really like a journal for now!

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