1. Where is your cell phone? My bedroom
2. Where is your significant other? El Paso on business
3. Your hair color? Dark Blond at the moment, probably back to medium blond soon.
4. Your mother? In heaven with Jesus
5. Your father? Heaven also, he got there first.
6. Your favorite thing? hugs from my boys
7. Your dream last night? probably that I was running late to get somewhere
8. Your dream/goal? To raise my sweet boys to love God and themselves but also to find something I excel in (the mother thing comes hard for me) so I will feel a sense of satisfaction
9. The room you're in? Loft but soon to be office once the walls go in
10. Your hobby? Blogging, reading. sleeping when the kids allow me to.
11. Your fear? bugs
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Both boys in school so I'll need an outlet. I'd like to start a creative business of some sort--me and all the other Mommies out there right!
13. Where were you last night? Home alone with the boys and our new dog
14. What you’re not? Focused and driven but I wish I were
15. One of your wish list items? A screen door--seriously I've asked and asked for one so I can leave the door open and hear the kids from inside and thus get something done
16. Where you grew up? San Antonio and San Angelo TX
17. The last thing you did? Went to Target (a good thing) with both boys (a bad thing)
18. What are you wearing? Denim shorts (very wrinkled), Royal blue shirt with white tank under and slip on Keds
19. Your TV? 2 LCD per DH
20. Your pet? New dog named Charlotte. She is a 1 yr old Australian Blue Heeler
21. Your computer? It says Compaq
22. Your mood? Tired, no sleep thanks to Connor and cranky because I'm tired all the time.
23. Missing someone? My mother--always
24. Your car? Lincoln MKX (it's a crossover and I LOVE it!)
25. Something you’re not wearing? earrings, I used to never leave the house without them, loved them and then I had kids
26. Favorite store? Target, Steinmart, Marshalls
27. Your summer? Still having it, it's 85 today, and I'm sick of it!
28. Love someone? My DH and boys
29. Your favorite color? Purple and tuscan blue (not together I like blue with brown)
30. When is the last time you laughed? Probably yesterday at Connor
31. Last time you cried? yesterday but I'm surprised it wasn't today
Okay now for photos of Sean. One has both boys but as you will see it's really all about Sean. The first is at the circus. The second well. I really don't know what's going on in his head... Sorry to titillate you all with the pickle thing. Please remember that I don't get out much and Target really is the highlight of most of my days so the pickle ride seemed much funnier to me than it probably would to anyone else!