Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pickles on Parade

Okay Nanny, just for you here's Connor walking his pickle, or actually the whole jar of pickles. It's not edited great as I should really be in bed and the red-eye thing is just not wanting to work for some reason. Anyway, Connor is a pickle fiend (just like Mommy) and wanted the jar from the frig. He had brought his trike with him and then proceeded to place the jar on the seat and carefully walk it to the table so he could eat his pickles there. I have another one that isn't uploaded yet where his head is down as, I guess, he checks with the pickles to see if they are enjoying the ride okay.



Anonymous said...

Your little boy is SO cute! I love that he's carrying around a jar of pickles :)

Becky said...

Now that's just too darn cute!!