I did not spend the last several weeks in a fog because Connor kept me up so much. Not me!
I did not finally feel better this morning and finally work out with my friend again. Not me, I'm much to lazy. (okay, really, yay me! I actually feel thinner, yeah right!)
I was not secretly happy that the 2 families I invited for Thanksgiving had to decline. Not me, I've been cooking frantically in my sick and sleepy stupor plus I would NEVER put off getting ready for that type of a meal until the week of...
I did not actually make enchiladas and chalupas from scratch for my family. Not me, I'm much to tired for that and I hate to cook (yay me again!)
I was not secretly thrilled when my picky eater Connor had 2 Little Debbie's for a snack, because a good mother would prefer quality to quantity even if it means her child eats no more than 2 bites a day.
I did not really write that ridiculously long sentence above that obviously lacks proper punctuation because I love grammar.
I am not listening to Christmas music in my car because it makes me happy. Good gosh it's not even Thanksgiving yet!
I did not make my children listen to country radio instead of their movie today because I felt the need to educate them on different genres of music. It absolutely was not because I couldn't stand the thought of listening to Tad put words together AGAIN during our drive.
I am not beyond thrilled that my MIL bought the boys a Wii and thus we will be able to afford to purchase them other Christmas presents without breaking our budget.
I did not just lie in that previous statement because I can't follow or set a budget to save my life. AND it is not because I can't keep myself out of Target that I can't stay within budget either.
I did not put off once again making business calls because it's a holiday week and a bad time for that, right?
I do not have pretty lame Not Me's this week because I live the exciting life of a SAHM and nothing has happened lately except the whole Pinworm saga.
Speaking of, I did not seriously consider sending flowers to the doctor that prescribed the medicine because Connor has slept through every night since Tuesday when he got the med's!
I'm not done now because I can no longer put off folding the 2 loads of laundry thrown on my bed because Mike is going to call me on it soon since he can hear the typing from where he is!
Also, I'm not still too tired to give a flip about grammar!
I do the same things to my kids. I get sick of listening to Teletubies in the car!
this was not a lame not me post. It cracked me up.
This was a great post! Sounds like you DIDN"T have a great week :) hehe
You are hilarious! So glad I found your blog! I sound a lot like you -and we are definately coming from the same place with regard to budget - love that you can use humor - me, I do a lot of crying!
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