Monday, March 30, 2009

Not Me Monday

I did not get up the other night to check MckMama's twitter then comment about it on my FB page.

When Commenting I did not include the web address in case anyone else wanted to learn about Stellan and most important pray for him and his healing.

Because I did not refer to him as MckMuffin and bring up "our" MckMiracle, I did not inadvertently cause a long-lost friend from elementary school to go to the site and mistakenly think I was MckMama and Stellan my child!

I did not cry yesterday looking through MckMama's updated name gallery and marvel at the people around the world that MckMama and Stellan have touched.

I was not laying in bed last night with my mind going a mile a minute when I paused, once again, to pray for Stellan and two very distinct thoughts came, pray and fast.

I have certainly not had little conversations with God about how I spent a year praying for Ethan Powell and that THIS time I think He should decide His miracle will be to let Stellan stay with his family happy, healthy, and whole!

Prayers for Stellan


Laura said...

I am praying too that Stellan can stay with us here.

Erica said...

Yep, I agree! And I'm begging God too!

Anonymous said...

Hiya, nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my site. How funny, I kinda think of Stellan as "ours" too. Isn't it amazing how close we can get to people over the Internet?

Mrs. Cline said...

Thank you for blessing MckMama and Stellan with your NMM!


Janet said...

It is so neat how you can be touched by people through the internet. I love reading about everyone's lives and being involved with them through prayer and conversation. God is good to bring people together and show us more of Himself!