Saturday morning 8:30 AM. I'm up and going. Mike is downstairs with Sean. Connor is wanting Mommy so I go in and get him up, dress him, and take him downstairs. Back upstairs to put on minimal makeup for the grocery store. Shorts, t-shirt, glasses (my eye is still not totally healed from the corneal abrasion), start a load of laundry and out the door for the grocery store. Go to the big HEB so I'll have a better choice of produce so it takes an hour and a half to shop. Whew! As I'm heading for the register Mike calls for me to bring motor oil for the lawnmower (YAY, he's going to mow). Come home and unlock the gate and both backdoor locks (they don't match so require 2 keys) with my hands full of groceries. Haul in all the groceries and start unloading.
Sean is still in his jammies. The dishes are in the sink, on the counter, on the table. Put up the groceries. Put the dishes up. Pick up the counters. Give the boys a snack. Pick up miscellaneous trash--bags, boxes, magazines. Clean table. Sit down to have my first meal of the day--tea, cheese, and a peach. Stop to get Sean grapes as Connor has taken over his and won't share. Eat a few more bites and scan the paper. Send the boys outside. Go outside and tell Sean to stop spraying down Connor and the backdoor. Tell Sean to clean out the containers he put dirt and rocks in that need to be used for toy storage. Get Sean soap, a washcloth and give him instructions. Return with a washcloth for Connor. Eat a few more bites. Go outside and tell Sean to clean the containers not sit in them. Wash the fruit and arrange in a bowl for the table. Clean Connor up and get him lunch. Clean Sean up and get him lunch. Dig through the hall closet for gift bags for the birthday party at 4 and the baby shower at 6. Discover the baby shower bag is damaged. Attempt to fix it with a well placed bow. Discover the birthday gift will only fit in the Spongebob bag. Debate wrapping paper. Discard idea as there are only blue, green and red ribbons (just remembered there is ribbon upstairs--too late). Fill Spongebob bag with pink tissue paper to cover the pink car Sharpey (HS Musical) is driving. Hope that is girly enough.
Go upstairs to get blanket to wash. Decide to blog. Get followed by Sean. Threaten him with no party so he'll go downstairs with Connor and give me 5 minutes. Talk to Mike twice on his way home from Walmart. Finally blog for 5 minutes. Think about how I really need to go potty but forgot about it again for the last 30 minutes while I did other things. Look at the disaster which is my home and wonder why it's so messy on the day I planned to clean it.
****SIGH**** wonder why I feel like I've done absolutely nothing today and it's almost time to get ready for the party.
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