Connor was in my bed again last night. Well I should say our bed but Mike sleeps through almost anything so it was mostly my sleeping that suffered. I know I baby him but I just don't seem to have the energy to sleep train him. Maybe next week, we'll see. They boys are with Mike at the gym right now and I should be napping but I had to get my pumpkins harvested. That's an interesting statement isn't it. It's a Facebook game and it takes more time than I should give it. I'm just waiting for my brother and SIL to get here. They are visiting for a few days but were smart enough not to stay with us--thus missing Connor's middle of the night waking!
I did book my tickets to CA so I guess I will take my mini-vacation in August. I am really really looking forward to it. I need to get motivated because I want to make some special things for my cousins and take with me. Mike has a 3 day weekend so maybe I'll get something done then--ha, ha!
Connor at Fiesta Texas
Sean in his new tournament uniform