Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pincushion Day

Tody I finally, after 10 weeks of waiting, got my biopsy. Not the results mind you, just the fun needle sticking part. The results will be in next week. Anyway, because my nodules are fluid filled my doctor likes to drain them. So instead of a quick little prick to get cells to test, I get repeated pricks drawing out fluid. Not don't picture it, just feel sorry for me: ) My SIl is in town and wonders why they don't just remove the darn thing since I have all these nodules. She thinks I will feel better if they do. I asked but apparently so many people have nodules the doctors here don't remove until they feel it is necessary. Surgery is always scary but it would be nice to feel less tired. Of course it may be something completely different. I'll know in 7 days what they found.

Connor was in my bed again last night. Well I should say our bed but Mike sleeps through almost anything so it was mostly my sleeping that suffered. I know I baby him but I just don't seem to have the energy to sleep train him. Maybe next week, we'll see. They boys are with Mike at the gym right now and I should be napping but I had to get my pumpkins harvested. That's an interesting statement isn't it. It's a Facebook game and it takes more time than I should give it. I'm just waiting for my brother and SIL to get here. They are visiting for a few days but were smart enough not to stay with us--thus missing Connor's middle of the night waking!

I did book my tickets to CA so I guess I will take my mini-vacation in August. I am really really looking forward to it. I need to get motivated because I want to make some special things for my cousins and take with me. Mike has a 3 day weekend so maybe I'll get something done then--ha, ha!

Connor at Fiesta Texas

Sean in his new tournament uniform

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