That pretty much sums up my summer. I have never been so tired in my life expect possibly right after the boys were born. My doctor insists my thyroid levels are find even though the biopsy was inconclusive but I really wish that was the case. I know I don't sleep well with Mike snoring and Connor up so much but it really is frustrating. I'm frustrated, Mike's annoyed and the boys are totally bored because I'm too tired to take them places. I really wish I had an answer to why I don't have any energy.
Connor is slightly more interested in potty training so I'm hoping, hoping, PRAYING we can get this done before VBS in a few weeks. It's the only one he can go to at his age so I'm hoping he gets to go with Sean. Mommy needs a few hours off! Also, he HAS to be trained before MDO starts in Sept so....pray for us PLEASE!!!!
On a happier note, we had fun at Mike's 25th Reunion Mixer. I only stayed a few hours but Mike got home at 2 AM. I think he had a good time! I also got to see Dawn and Kimberly (college friends) on Sunday and got to go without the kids so it was nice to NOT have to chase children while trying to converse.
On a definitely NOT happy note, Mike's father passed away last Thursday. He's been sick for almost 20 years now and the last few have been pretty bad. His heart finally just stopped Thursday afternoon (he had just been taken into the hospital by EMS). Mike's mother doesn't want a funeral or viewing so it does feel a bit strange, however, it's her choice of course. We may, if she goes through with Glenn's plan, be scattering his ashes down in Rockport in the future. We had planned to take the boys to the beach this summer but may delay a bit until she makes a decision. I think Glenn would like the boys to be involved since he loved his one fishing trip there with Sean. He hasn't been up to another since then and really wanted to spend more time there.
On that note, I've got to get moving. I need ice for Sean's baseball game tonight. It's our turn for snacks! It's his first 5:30 game so it's going to be HOT. It's so HOT that Connor refuses to play soccer. What a waste of money but I guess you can't blame a 3 year old for not wanted to run around in 103 degree heat!
1 comment:
I'm so sorry for all you are dealing with. I know how hard everything is when you are super tired. It seems to make everything worse.
About the zoo, we have gone to the Abilene zoo, but next time I think we want to try the San Antonio one. I really like that one and the Abilene zoo got rid of their elephants. We probably won't get down there soon, but I will MOST DEFINITELY let you know when we do go!! :o) We would love to meet up with you guys!
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