Thursday, September 11, 2008

Driver Issues

I don't understand why people seem to have such a hard time understanding how to drive, how to take turns in the car pick-up land at school, and what laws are. It's so easy at school if you take turns but for the second time in 2 days the people in the lane across from me decided to jump not only in front of me but also the person to the left of me who I was waiting on. Even after all that the person behind them also tried to jump in front of me and I was the one turning right so it was only because of my good nature that ANY of them were getting to go in the first place. The person in front of me went then the idiot turning left blocked traffic by pulling behind her when there was no room to pull out of the street, obviously there was no doubt in my mind what the correct order was. I tried to let the person on the side street go because according to courtesy it was her turn, when the SUV turning left pulled into the lane then acted like she didn't understand why I indicated that it was the other cars turn (by pointing, not any obscene gestures). Seriously, one of these days I'm getting out of my car and give them a piece of my mind.

As far as the rest of the laws, we seems to have many people who can't read speed limit signs nor do they know any of the basic laws taught in Driver's Ed. People in our neighborhood constantly go 30 or less on the main road which is 40 mph but I've seen the same people speed up to 40 in the residential section which is 30 because people are walking or running OR kids are around. I've also noticed the slow driver's rarely use their blinkers so I know they aren't going slow because they are cautious drivers! I also don't get why people don't know that blinkers are not only an indication that you are going to turn but also that you are going to slow down. The people that actually do use blinkers all seem to hit the brakes first then turn their blinker on. AND if one more idiot jerks into my lane causing me to slam on my brakes while my kids are in the car I may seriously start carrying a gun again. I swear if my children are hurt in that type of situation I can't imagine a jury in the world that would convict me!

Actually, the real problem is that everyone thinks they are the most important person in the world. I don't get it, it's so easy to be considerate and it feels so good to do a simple thing for another person like open a door or let them go first if they are holding a screaming toddler. Goodness knows I would love someone to do that for me but it seems rare these days.


Janet said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! I will have to add you to my list! I have enjoyed reading the things you have posted. We are a lot alike in a lot of ways! So, you should plan a trip to San Angelo! I would love to visit with you and show you around all of the new places. You will be shocked by the change! Did y'all end up moving or are you still in San Antonio?

Deborah said...

Janet--yes, you inspired me although I don't know how good I'll be at this and I always seem to be in a bad mood. My latest post is less negative so I'm trying! Only 3 people even know about this so hardly anyone is reading anyway! I've been thinking of a trip to think about some things. Just myself this time, but when Mike gets his promotion he will be over that rep so we might take a family trip there then as well. I'd love to meet up and see everything!

Janet said...

Hey! Your blog is what you need or want it to be. If you need a place to vent or whatever, this can be it! That would be great if you came here for a trip. You say to think about things? Is everything ok? You would be more than welcome to stay with us if you want. When would you come?

Deborah said...

Janet--no specific issue just to think things through clearly. I haven't exactly had much time to myself since my mother died 3 yrs ago. She loved San Angelo so I thought that would be a good place. Probably in Oct or Nov at the earliest. I'll let you know and thanks!