Friday, November 28, 2008

Late but Thankful

I should have done this yesterday but didn't. After stalking around blogworld I realize again how very much I have been blessed with so

I am thankful I have to relatively healthy kids. Sure Sean's ADHD is challenging and Connor is constantly picking up little bugs--last time literally!--but in all I am blessed I don't have to watch them suffer with a chronic or terminal illness.

I am thankful that my husband for some unknown reason still loves me. I am so often not very lovable especially in the last 3 years. Okay who are we kidding, it's more like 7!

I am thankful my husband still has a job and even more so that the job allows me to be home with the kids. In this day and age that is truly a rare blessing for all of us.

I am thankful that once I get out of this fog I am blessed with health. I have had scares but never faced a real illness that limited me.

I am thankful that I had 2 loving parents who loved me, each other, and most of all the Lord and raised me to know His love and the sacrifice of my Savior. As bad as things have ever been if I didn't have that HOPE I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.

I am thankful that I only ate one pecan pie, by myself, because I realize that is why I feel lousy today. With the vanilla, butter, and Crisco I put into the homemade pie and crust it is way to rich for my tummy. I leave the second pie to the men of the house which my hips will thank me for in the long run.

I am thankful that I live in a country of abundance even at a time when people are down financially. I know our poor still live better than most of the world and God has blessed us with a chance at a better tomorrow that many countries don't have. I hope I will remember to take my thankfulness and focus it toward helping others and not being so self-centered.

I am thankful to live in a nation where I can still worship my God as I see fit. I am also thankful for the community I live in within SA that has grown so much spiritually. I am truly blessed to be able to raise my children and live in this environment when so much of the world is living without so much Grace.

I am thankful for finding blogs. It is a great outlet for my "down time" (read: time to avoid cleaning the toilets, etc) as I am an avid reader. This way I am connecting with real people at least through comments and prayers.

There is so much more I am thankful for but it's late and I need to get Connor in bed. We both napped late today (did I mention I was up at 5 AM to get a $99 DS for Sean--got the LAST one they had at 5:15!) so bedtime is late. Someday I will be thankful for a scheduled household but I think I'll save that for my New Years Resolutions.

So for now, happy rest of the Thanksgiving Weekend to everyone out there!

1 comment:

Ash said...

Wonderful list!!

Thanks for the SiTS love for my Christmas story - we're neighbors of sorts. I'm in the Dallas area.

My in laws are actually in SA - great town to live in. And really, wow, Dominion people at Food Banks. Sign of the times, for sure.
