First I should note I have not downloaded photos yet but I took this with my phone a week before Halloween and sent it to myself. I'm quite proud of the outfit from the Sly 3 Playstation game because I had to create it myself. Now onto more annoying issues...
I can't believe how absolutely awful today is. Last night Connor was up yet again making it night number 4 in the last 7 nights. Except this time he absolutely would not go back to sleep. I will admit he did have a little gas but not enough to warrant his being awake from 3:30 until 5:45! I was so exhausted I just could not get up at 7 to take Sean to school plus I hated to wake Connor so I did something I never could have imagined doing. I slept until 8:30 and finally got Sean to school a little before 10. I feel like such a horrible Mommy and believe me things haven't improved much since then.
To start, I'm in a bad mood about the election. I'm sure Mr. Obama is a lovely man, but unfortunately for me he has has probably voted against most of the moral issues I find most important.
Okay, back to my day. Bad mood going to sleep, woken up at 3:30 so only about 3 hours of sleep. Mike's still gone (since Monday morning early) so I am the only one here to take care of the boys. Sean goes to school late and I know Connor isn't going to nap nor do I have the patience to get him to sleep anyway. It's Wednesday so I have to take Sean to Karate and entertain Connor for an hour... I might as well go to the gym even though my new "workout buddy" can't go because her daughter is sick. Stay tuned for my workout issues as I've agreed to work out with a friend from church 3 days a week. A friend who happens to run 7 miles daily but needs some crosstraining. I sucked it up today, worked really hard in my delirious state and ran 1.3 miles indoors, on a treadmill, while I watched soap operas. Obviously I'm giong to find it a breeze to keep up with Sheila, LOL!
Alright, home and more fun awaits. I'm letting Connor play in the backyard with Charlotte. Yes, I let my 2 1/2 year old play in the backyard with the dog we got a month ago. Yes, I'm insane but I do stay by the window and watch and she is from a home with 5 kids and is very submissive. And yes, if he gets bit I will have to slit my wrists as I will then be the most neglectful mother ever born. Anyway, I lure him inside somehow. I'm not sure how but I need to remember because he seems to want to move in with Charlotte permanently and we haven't even gotten her a doghouse yet. He ran in our front room. The useless one separated from our tiny living room by french doors someone thought was a good idea instead of say having space for living in the living room. When I go in to get him to pick up Sean the couch is wet. Connor has a tendency to pour juice on things and actually killed one of our TV's so I automatically blame him. In fact I pick him up and softly swat his diapered tush. I'm not a spanker but I'm tired and he is out of control lately. I'm trying to dry it up when I discover the blinds are wet too and for whatever reason glance up. The ceiling is leaking! The shower handle has been leaking and Mike worked on it this weekend but apparently it didn't stop. I never take showers so I didn't notice. I ran upstairs and managed to get it to stop but the ceiling is now soggy and I'm afraid it will fall in. I finally heard back from Mike about 30 seconds before I used the shop vac on the drain. He explained the water in the drain was not the culprit (hey I'm a girl, how should I know, I think I get points for even trying to address the problem). He walked me through taking the handle apart and suggested I poke a hole in the ceiling to determine if water was still sitting or if the drywall was just saturated.
I instructed Sean to call 911 if he heard a crash and I didn't answer, locked the boys upstairs and scaled the ladder with a bucket and screwdriver (flathead--see I'm not totally inept). Fortunately, only heavier drips came out so I've sealed off the room until he returns and can fix it. If I can survive tomorrow it will be a miracle but I WILL take a few hours off for myself this weekend.
Oh, did I mention I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow to remove the Mirena. Well, at least I've been so busy and sleepy today I haven't had time to worry about it. Of course I'm not sure where the info with the appointment time is and now it's after 5. Hopefully, I can either find it or get ahold of them early enough to get Connor to Kidspace before I have to be there. Oh, joy what a fun life I live. I guess the president-elect is the least of my worries today. But boy, I sure miss my mother right now!
oh my goodness Deborah! I am so sorry for all you are having to deal with. I have had a fever the past two days and have been exhausted, and it still has not been that bad. I hope that you get your rest soon and that everything can calm down. I do want to say, however, that you are not a bad mom!! Don't even think it! We all have to do things to survive sometimes.
Ugh, sounds like you're having a rough week!
You're not a horrible mom!!! I leave my two year old in her crib if she wakes up in the middle of the night. Well, I will go in there and rock her once, and then after that she's on her own. She always goes back to sleep though...
I've enjoyed reading your blog!
Wow, I'm so sorry you're having such a rough week! I have no idea what it's like to run around with kids and what not. You mothers amaze me! Hope things look up for you and hope your surgery is successful!
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