Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Okay, maybe my hair is a little red. We have horrible lighting in our house and it's still hard to get a good look in the rearview mirror of the car. Guess I need to take a mirror outside to look.

On another note I made it through a kick-boxing class and only had to skip a few moves due to my "skating" injury. Dh is still admitting that he needs to figure out a better response to my emergency situations. On the other hand I thought after the staph infection tried to kill me 2 years ago he would have already figured that one out so we'll see. Anyway, back to the class. The real issue I had was jumping or jarring moves. I can't figure out what I did exactly. Maybe bruised the bone just below the base of my back. Anyway, lunges to the left were also out of the question. Other than that the worst thing was when I got hot and sweat dripped onto the scratches down my side. Ouch!

This weekend we'll be talking to some friends about possibly starting a business venture together. Mike's friend is interested in a Medical Spa (he's in the medical field and owns a home healthcare company rated high nationally for quality!) and his wife loves kids and was talking about a drop-in care place. I know that there are currently 3 within 10 minutes from our neighborhood so I'm going to talk to her about a play place as the nearest one just closed. I know all the issues I had with it and I've talked to and overheard lots of other moms talking about play places.

Now I'm all excited with tons of ideas and I don't know if it's even going anyplace. Plus I want to design it not work there all the time so I don't know how that would work out even if it is a go. I certainly don't want to put Connor in daycare so I can run a place for kids to play so we'll see.

Oh yeah, Janet tagged me. I'll deal with that in the morning since my keyboard is way too loud and I don't want to wake Connor. I also need a laptop along with a million other little things around here. But with property taxes due NEXT week I'm about to send most of our savings to the state.

1 comment:

the smiling fat girl said...

Hey, just wanted to thank you for "following" and signing up to encourage me in my weightloss efforts.
