Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me Monday--Finally

Woo hoo, I finally remembered before Monday night!

That said, I have not missed Not Me Monday for months now--but religiously read My Charming Kids to keep up with Stellan and all the fun at MckMama's house!

I have not been ultimately lazy lately. Sleeping in and doing next to nothing on the 4th. Not me, I always have loads of energy.

It could not possibly be because my 3 yr old has yet again been up at night wanting Mommy to sleep with him. As I've said before, I completely sleep train my kids at 6 mo's of age ; )

I have not been making regular trips to the pool with my boys. Not me, the Mommy who refuses to don a swimsuit until she is a size 6 again. That said I certainly have not made sure all my suits include shorts or skirts that at least "help" cover the most offensive parts!

At the pool I have not been going to, I have not become one of those women who thinks "oh, she's too skinny and at least mine are real" No I'd never be so catty and immature to put down others to make my chubby self feel better!

Besides the gym and the multiple sports games I have to attend I haven't retreated into the house due to the 100 degree daily temperatures. Not me, I love the scalding heat!

I have so many more to add but for now I need to get dressed for my exercise class. Maybe I'll get into that size 6 by Christmas. The way the temperatures are in TX this year it may still be in the 90's then!


TheAtticGirl said...

I feel ya on the swimsuit! I wouldn't wear one for quite a while b/c I don't like my plus size parts sticking out where they shouldn't! I finally found one that covers up the stuff I don't want seen.

Janet said...

My inner judgmental demon totally does NOT come out at the pool either. I NEVER sit there and obsess over the size of everyone there including myself! I NEVER compare myself to all the cute girls walking around, especially the ones older than me with more kids!!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I feel your pain about the swimsuits.

Shan said...

Too funny! This is actually my favorite time to wear a swimsuit, when I'm huge and pregnant (and totally immune from anyone saying or thinking anything about my weight!).

Thanks for stopping by my blog:)