Okay Janet here's 25 things about me.
1. I hate my name, technically I hate my nickname and literally it is because of an adult movie. So, it's not that I want to be formal with you that I go by Deborah
2. I don't know what color my hair really is anymore.
3. My hair has been 4 different colors in the last 7 days.
4. Contrary to what I thought, I do not look good as a REDHEAD
5. I desperately need a pedicure
6. I must have something to read at all times or I get nervous and edgy
7. I can take off wallpaper, replaster a wall, paint and faux finish a wall, AND it looks good
8. The part I hate most about the above process is taping the woodwork before painting
9. I have always been one of those overly proud native Texans in my heart but I try to temper it so as not to be overly obnoxious (even though my family has been in the state since the 1830's and forever--Comanche on my dad's side--respectively)
10. I love pizza
11. Right this minute I would love a Diet Coke or a Margarita
12. I drink up to 3 diet cokes every day--yikes! But only about 1 Margarita a year.
13. I love to dance, especially country, and as hard as this is for me to say, I'm very good at it even though I go about once every 2-3 years.
14. I'm not very high-tech but I love blogging
15. I love hot bubble baths with a good book
16. I love to shop, especially for bargains and I can almost guarantee every piece of clothing in my closet was on sale.
17. When I am tired, sick or tipsy my West Texas accent gets much stronger--and I secretly love that. Hmmmm, does that mean I should drink more? JK
18. I wrote a children's book 8 years ago but have never submitted it to a publisher because I'm afraid it's not good enough.
19. I am way too critical of myself
20. If I could start over I'd have kids way sooner and have at least 1 more.
21. I love to redecorate but I have a hard time getting started
22. People think I am outgoing and friendly but inside I am really shy and lonely
23. When I am thinner and blonder I look exactly like Charlotte Ross (NYPD Blues)
24. I think this time I may really really start something instead of just thinking and worrying about it. So look for info on my children's clothes coming to this blog soon.
25. I wish I knew what God had planned for my life before I chose to veer off course. I also worry because I think I "talk a good game" about Christianity but am lacking in my personal study and worship with Christ. I do have high hopes to work on that relationship this year.