Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lazy, lazy Mommy

I woke up today tired. COme to think of it I was tired yesterday as well. Maybe I'm coming down with something. Or maybe it has to do with all the oak pollen coming down on my yard!

I dressed for Bible Study but before I dressed Connor I realized I just felt too lousy to go. I'm still draggin 3 hours later. I need to go to Hobby Lobby but I don't feel like changing out of my old sweats. Connor on the other hand, removed his diaper, then went pee-pee in his pants. At this point he just wants to be naked--those are his words--and I'm being too lazy to care. I'm so ready for that child to potty train but he's still resisting. I know I need to consistenly keep him on Miralax for a few weeks but when it does kick in it KICKS IN and I hate to keep giving it to him. Hopefully, if I go 2 weeks straight, leaving the potty training out of the equation, then I can try again. I'd like to have him out of diapers before his birthday in May. Not to mention there is at least 1 and maybe more VBS's he can attend if he's out of diapers.

I didn't sign either boys up for anything this summer to try and save some money. I hope it doesn't backfire. I've already decided we'll spend alot of time at Fiesta TX--paid for already--the gym--not giving it up now that I'm actually going consistently--and our neighborhood pool. Which means I have to come to terms with my body in a swimsuit in public. If I don't we'll spend a fortune on Chuck-e-Cheese and movies this year and negate skipping MDO!

Okay, guess I need to go and dress for Hobby Lobby so I'll have time before Sean is out of school. I also need to call my friend back who has already called twice, once during bedtime last night, since I talked to her for an hour yesterday. She's lovely but she does like to spend hours on the phone and I just don't always have the energy!

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