Friday, November 7, 2008


Yay, I did fine yesterday at my appointment. Except for the fact I entered the time wrong in my calendar and I was 2 hours late that is! Fortunately, the doctor saw me anyway and I was out of there in 30 minutes total. I noticed there was no Mirena paraphernalia in the office this time and he was quick to say let's take it out. After the fact I discussed some of my fatigue and other issues and noted that it reminded me of when I was pregnant. He agreed it could be from the hormones in the IUD and it was possible I would feel better now. I think this has been an issue with other patients. I sincerely hope this will help my energy level.

Our ceiling how has a nice hole in it where we will have to replace the insulation and drywall. Our shower has had the tile ripped out and we're letting it dry out. We are starting on walling in the loft to make an office this weekend. Fortunately, a friend of Mike's brother is doing the work for us so it will be cheaper than hiring a company (this is what he does at his normal job and does weekend jobs on the side). I'm really thinking about trying to rearrange the bathroom so we have some closet space. If I can do that, get a screen door, and the office done I think I could find some happiness in this house. With our market I'm probably stuck for awhile so I'd like to be happy!


Janet said...

I really hope it makes you feel better too! I know what it's like to feel sick all the time and have no energy! I am stuck with no solution to my "gall bladder" problem at the moment, and it is so frustrating! Good luck with all your home repairs as well. It's always something, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your appointment went well! Hope it makes you feel better! And good luck with all the home improvement projects!