Monday, September 29, 2008

Negative Posts

Well I said I would try and be less negative but reading my last post I see I failed. Today I'm just sleepy and out of sorts. I've been sleepy and just feeling yucky for a few weeks now. I wish I knew what the problem was. I keep thinking it's allergies due to being S. Tx and all but I always see magazine articles about other type allergies. The last one I read was about milk allergies but not intolerance. I've always wondered as milk upset my stomach when I was a child and I've never been particularly fond of it--poor bones of mine! Anyway, maybe I can try to go a few days w/out milk products and see how I feel. Guess that means I'll be eating meat, fruit and veggies for awhile. I always seem to plan on that and can't avoid processed foods!

I did go carb free for 3 weeks before I went out to CO for the wedding and I did lose about 7 pounds then so obviously it would be a good choice for me! I'll try but my willpower tends to fail when I'm sleepy. I also worry about all the Diet Cokes I drink--about 2 a day, yikes. I'm sure that helps my bones especially considering the no milk issue. It is kind of a cycle I guess. I'm sleepy so I drink caffeine then I have trouble sleeping so... Except this weekend I've slept well--I think, Mike's snoring might also be affecting my sleep.

On the snoring front, Mike will be gone all week so we'll see if that helps. Except I don't sleep as well when he's gone because he's gone, LOL!

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