Monday, September 8, 2008


Another big political fight on the Babycenter board. I just get tired of people making blanket accusations. I understand if they have struggled but who hasn't. Maybe I get to live in a great neighborhood and stay home with the boys but how much of it would I give up for a family to rely on. I'm so jealous of people with sisters they get together with and laugh. I miss my mother so bad and I feel weak because it's been over 3 years. I'm jealous most of all for my boys who are missing out on that love they would have gotten from my parents. Also, for not having cousins to play with or aunts and uncles who are really a part of their lives. I want to give them so much more but I can't give them family no matter how much I want to, how much money I have or don't have, nor how much I try.

1 comment:

Kaycee said...

Hey Deborah!! I feel the EXACT same way.