Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A few more pics of Connor

I'm going to add a few. I'd have more if it didn't take me so long to edit on Photobucket. The first is at the Zoo Train, then one of him looking like a teenager and finally one that shows off his lush lips I just love them. I haven't edited the one of him walking his pickle but I'll get it on tomorrow along with some of my big boy Sean (is your interest peaked, and no that isn't some sort of euphemism for something else!)





Bovee Family said...

Hey, thanks for hopping on over and visiting. And yes, please do come back! Any ideas you get to add to my motherhood post, feel free to add.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

The lips! Is he channeling Mick Jagger? Can he sing Brown Sugar?

And now you have to (HAVE TO!) show us the one where he's walking a pickle. (Nope. Sorry, can't say that with a straight face)